How to join my school's Buzzmath subscription

How to join my school's Buzzmath subscription

As soon as the Buzzmath team registers your school in the system, the person responsible for your school's subscription will notify you. All you have to do is finalize your registration. Let's look at the steps you need to follow to join your school:


Go to the login page, click on Join My School and select the option Did you receive an email invitation?

Enter your email address or click Continue with Google. If you have entered the correct email address, you will get the following message: Verification email sent!

Go to your email inbox and click the link to complete the process. You will be redirected to two options: New user or Already have an account?

If you are a new user, you will need to create your profile. If you want to retrieve an account that you used in a previous year linked to this email, you will need to enter the login information for that account. Once this step is complete, you will need to create your classes.


If you have not received the confirmation email:

  1. Check your institutional email inbox regularly. 

  2. If you cannot find the confirmation email in the inbox, check your junk mail box.

  3. Ask your colleagues if they are in the same situation as you.

  4. Contact the Buzzmath team by emailing:

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